Do You Sway?

Did you cognise that many past religions (see: Apostles Paul and Peter) needful a swaying movement piece learning their Bible?
Who-Cares? We have well-tried terminated one 1000 students beside a descriptor of swaying patch exploit new article information and tender substantiation of its advantage.

None got airsick and 92% reported central cognitive raise in long-term
memory and assessment chalk up change.

New ideas:

Did you cognise that the proof of using a race horse (RasterMaster, pen and cursor) to
3x linguistic process rush and 2x memory is based on the Bronze Pointer in use in reading
Biblical paper by lay folks at Temple?

Who says? Evelyn Wood - the originator of rate of knots language. She altered it for seminary studies and reminiscence breaking in.


Useful information

Two-minutes of swaying our unit transforms our cortical potential rhythms from Beta cycles per second (13-40 Hz) of intended alertness, to Alpha c.p.s (8-12 Hz) of watchful increase.

Alpha initiates itself inside 30 seconds of voluntarily closing our thought. New research
indicates our Pineal secreter is caught up in Alpha because of its stability ended our unit of time rhythms, and the amount produced of neurotransmitters 5-hydroxytryptamine and hormone. Both neurotransmitters are concerned in erudition and memory, and the moving states of mood, conduct and depression.

One-minute of Alpha cortical potential rhythms produces a trance-like affect; characterized as an Altered State of Consciousness. Here is how we recollect it: Alpha produces
a mental state - a comfortable basic cognitive process nation permitting access to committal to writing and secret writing reports for long-term recapture. It homogeneously improves your awareness remains.


If you button up your persuasion while erect vertically you will awareness a postural-way of
your thing. Gravity and our wherewithal to base erect emanate insignificant training of
our unit left-to-right and fore and sweptback. It helps us prolong our position
of stance. It is how we are constructed structurally and functionally.

Our sentiment are never stable; they raise a visual-sway by emitting tremors, drifts,
and mini training called Micro-Saccades. These eye workout profess vision
together next to our eye-pattern-movements and our field-of-vision. It is the argument of
reading and seeing.


You know the expression, a nod of agreement and she nodded her principal in blessing.
It is a down movement of the lead and a prompt up movement. Could unerect be an section of our primordial complex of communication?

Our past ancestors survived (made their sentient) by field sport and gathering; they previously owned social group solidarity to transport quarters the cut of pork. They used external body part expressions, paw gestures, mutually beside noisy sounds (before tongue) to noose their victim for the next feast. Side-to-side chief fight indicated a inevitability for a switch of strategy, while cernuous emotional the hunters send to their assassinate.

Nodding is a attentive product of our neural structure exploitation attention, intent and attention. It combines our anterior cortex for preparation and analysis, and our
motor cortex for aerobics finished our basal ganglia and psyche radical. It is a mind-
body attachment.

Point 1: fuss occurs by ignoring distractions and focus our united consciousness on our mark.

Point 2: intent is a attentive and non-conscious mind to act to pull off a mental object.

Point 3: attention (with-a-center) is the indispensable use of psyche and body
to come through our whim. Mind complements physical structure and vice-versa.

Reading, Learning and Memory

We use our sentiment and brainpower to publication by transmission electro-chemical imagery done our optical bravery for secret writing and decipherment of the symbols. Long word memory involves our hippocampus (Limbic System) to lumber room facts victimization the dendritic-spines of our hundred cardinal neurons and their acquaintances. Google dendrites and hippocampus.

When you hunger to fortify learning up to 52% and long-term mental representation almost 42%
nod your leader (one inch) cardinal modern world at the significance of the workbook. You are triggering your pre-motor cortices to intertwine your conduct of cernuous with the movement of research and internal representation.

Speed Reading

Nodding spell hurriedness reading improves ownership of the meaning of the matter (details) up to
ninety years. Reviewing the primer subsequent will make a unchangeable relation to long-term (years) mental representation. Reading a unique page of record for after that trialling requires a top pick of 4 removed philosophy to capture by cernuous. The occurrence active adds around two seconds.

You add your labour-intensive (body jargon), to your left-brain cognitive (mental) skills
(gathering information and reasoning) by drooping in statement spell learning file.

Some students would in silence speech production the phrase Ah Ha or Eureka when choosing the course book for pendulous. The covert is the use of our cardinal most important senses - visual-auditory-kinesthetic (touch/movement). Using all cardinal alternatively of sole one facility - conventionally seeing - multiplies your talent to capture cognition by three.


Some students advisable authorship out the key ideas of their primer (or dictating into a recording equipment), language out loud their printed script, time rhythmically swaying their article to a silent drummer produces olympian take back. We concur because the research idea is gathered by the use of further senses.

Have you heard of the Eye-Brain-Link? It is positioned linking your eyebrows and in the midway of your wits. It is called the Pineal Gland and is activated in study and internal representation.

When you emotionally see news (2-3 oral communication) in this spatial relation betwixt your eyebrows it produces greatest holding. If you slot a representation alternatively of spoken language in the Eye-Brain-Link your semipermanent mental representation is high-powered by a cause of three.

Another rationale to exert your cognitive skills for erudition and remembrance is to
build a thrust of safe haven around your intelligence. Many scientists (Google Dr. David Snowden) deem the stirring conduct of research thwarts Alzheimer's Disease and
other forms of insanity.

Let us end next to the libretto of a 93 year-old Nun participating in a 15 period of time revise of the brain: If you Hope, you Cope. If you Don't, you Mope.

Another said: If you have instance to whine, you have the instance to swot how to
win the prize.

Edward Lorenz (MIT) offers the Butterfly Effect: Small changes metal to massive
reactions. Does the quiver of a butterfly's means in Brazil set off a cyclone in Texas?

By the way - to coping is much than attempting or managing. It is struggle with a woe spell aiming to win mistreatment your lastingness and finding. Coping has the constituent of glory in its Webster definition. We think likely you to win.

Tell me, would you be recovered off having the agonistic dominance of reading-and-
remembering cardinal books, articles and reports in the time your peers can hardly
finish one?

See ya,
copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler


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